Saturday, October 26, 2013

Final Trimester Dilemma

Bila dah akhir2 pregnancy.....mula la fikir macam2. Baca bad review about Demc la.... sampai siap nak tukar hospital. Tanya pendapat kawan2 yang pernah bersalin/mendapatkan rawatan di Demc. 1 good review dan satu lagi not so good review. Lagi la pening kepala tak tau nak buat decision. Akhirnya kepada Allah jua ku ajukan dilema diri. Beberapa kali jugak buat solat istikharah dan akhirnya Allah tetapkan hati utk kekal bersalin di situ. Lagipun hubby cakap...apa pun yg berlaku adalah bahagian masing2. Pindah la hospital manapun kalau dah Allah tetapkan bahagian kita macam tu... itu la yg kita dapat.

Tak habis di situ.....bila dah 35 weeks terjumpa la pulak Gentle Birthing Group. I was surprised to know that it is possible to give birth vaginally even after multiple caesareans. Huwaaaaa......memang dilema tahap gaban la..... I wanted soooo badly to try vba2c (vaginal birth after 2 caesareans). Malangnya tak ramai doktor yg support vba2c dan mommies who had multiple csect chose to do homebirth. Tp ada 2 dr yg recommended by the group who support vbac aft multiple csect. 1. Dr Haw frm columbia asia 2. Dr Idora frm Pantai Bangsar. Had a serious discussion with hubby and finally hubby said ok he will agree to vba2c depending on whether Dr Mazita agrees to it. As mentioned above... tak ramai dr yg sanggup ambik risiko. So sah2 la Dr Mazita x approve n we decided to go ahead with czer.....(nangis tahap gabans jugak ni).

Apa pun.... this round at least I have a birth plan. Rasa mcm dah outdated sangat2. Nasib baik la jumpa Gentle Birthing Group. Through this group, banyak info yang diperolehi from other mommies. We actually have a say in our birthing and not just let the dr dictate us. For instance, whether we want the use of drugs or not, delayed cord clamping, instant bonding with infant, exclusive breastfeeding and so forth. Terlalu banyak yg nak share about gentle birthing. Apa pun.... my birth plan banyak yg tak menjadi kenyataan. I wanted hubby to be with me masa csect tp it is against Demc punya policy. Sedih....coz masa kat kpj tawakal dulu, dr siap offer hubby nak masuk ke tak. Another birth plan where instant bonding wf baby pun tak dapat. My birth plan yg menjadi ialah to have all female staffs masa dalam ot dan exclusive breastfeeding and baby stayed wf me in my room and not in the nursery. For that I'm thankful. As what Soo Wai Han said, at least this birth has a plan.  :-)